Labels are important
Labels give identity, reveal character, and offer a sense of security in the presence of multiple options. The name of our church was carefully chosen to distinguish our theological convictions and demonstrate our commitment to draw these convictions from the Bible through faithful exposition.
Sovereign Grace Bible Church is committed to the expositional teaching of God’s Word, as a means of grace, for the building up of the saints for the mission of reaching out to the lost and restoring the weary. We are convinced that in the midst of the shifting sands of popular opinion, the Word of God is the only unchanging source of hope and life that provides personal and spiritual stability.
Here at Sovereign Grace we seek to measure the experiences of life by God’s objective standard, as revealed through the Bible, and not through subjective feelings. Thus, it is God’s Word that is the center and heart of all our gatherings and is the unifying element of our fellowship and evangelism.
We strive to be Biblically balanced
Sovereign Grace is a church that desires to glorify God through edifying the saints and reaching out to the lost with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We seek to help people correctly understand and apply the Bible to their daily lives; we do this by teaching every believer that they are able to “rightly divide the Word of truth.” We use the Bible to encourage and edify the saints in their spiritual growth and fruitful Christian service.
The primary time for building up of the saints is during our corporate service of worship. On the Lord’s Day we gather together to hear and obey the Word of God and sing God’s praise united in Spirit and truth according to Colossians 3:12-17. This time of corporate worship should produce deeper fellowship within the local body of believers resulting in the application of what they have learned individually through discipleship and personal evangelism.
Our ministry from the pulpit primarily consists of the exposition of Scripture, with life-centered application for everyone. The preaching of the Word is the highest point of our worship service and is to be handled with reverential fear and awe as it directs the people of God to hear and adhere to the living Words of Christ.
Sovereign Grace is dedicated to expository teaching for the glory of God and for the good of the saints. The application of the truth produces in the church obedience to Christ’s command to go into the world and honor His name through local and world evangelism.
The explanation and application of the Word of Truth is then seen as the only true source of mankind’s hope, joy and peace.
What makes our church distinct?
Sovereign Grace holds to the essentials of the historic Christian faith.
The virgin birth of Christ.
The deity of Christ.
The bodily resurrection of Christ from the dead.
The second coming of Christ.
Man is saved by God's sovereign grace alone, through faith alone in the finished work of Christ alone for God's glory alone.
Man is totally depraved and spiritually dead and must be saved by God’s sovereign grace not any effort on man’s part.
The inspiration, inerrancy, and sufficiency of God's Word.
Obedience to the great commission Matthew 28:19-20.
We are a Mutually Committed Church
At Sovereign Grace, people are more important than programs. The Biblical nurturing of individual lives is more important than the numbers in attendance. Our success is measured in terms of our faithfulness and of the spiritual growth of God’s people.
Sovereign Grace is a place where you can step aside from the world to be refreshed by the Word in the fellowship of a loving church family. We are not a perfect church, but rather a fellowship of believers committed to God and to one another. We love the Lord; therefore, we love others.